XML Resume

The general idea of keeping a resume (CV) in the XML format is rather appealing: you have a single source for all presentation forms of your data, both in human-readable, nicely formatted Acrobat PDF, standard HTML or recruiter preferred Microsoft Word and search preferred XML and ASCII text, which makes uploading into various databases much easier. To get the first idea of the XML resume, select one of the options below and press submit button. The resume will open in the same window, so you will need to use the back button on your browser to get back to this page.


PDF (Acrobat)
RTF (Word)
HTML (client side)
HTML (server side)
XML collapsed (Internet Explorer)
XML collapsed (Firefox)

The original XML source file is located at the URL in the "Source" box: http://www.tyoma.com/xmlResume/input/source.xml - the same data as you get by selecting "Original" radio button. If by any chance you happen to have your own resume in the xmlResume format residing somewhere on the net, you can type the URL into the Source field and see your data in our skins.

If you are convinced and ready to create your first xmlResume, we recommend that you download the sample resume from this page and edit the content of the xml file, keeping the structure intact. XML file is a regular ASCII file and can be edited with any editor, like Notepad, emacs, WordPad or vi. There is plenty of OpenSource and commercial software for editing of XML files, no reference given here, simply google-out something in your language, style and platform-orientation.