Copyrights and Disclaimers
- You can re-use the code you find on That
could be not very easy, because I do not intend to polish
it to the open source quality. If you really want to get my
code working for your needs, it would probably be just more
efficient and cheaper to enter into a consulting agreement with me.
- The easiest thing to steal and hardest to protect is
the fresh ideas. None of them is patent protected or patent
pending, so go ahead. I am keep updating my README where you can find some unusual
ideas for your website.
- Pictures are the most valuable assets on the website
(after the website itself) and they are not protected. Feel
free to re-use them on your web site, but you have to
clearly identify them as either taken from or
made by Artyom Sokirko. No explicit link to from
your website is required, but for each picture you have to
send me an e-mail with the URL. These mail will serve two
purposes: a) I might want to include a reference to your
website with the note that you published me; b) to confirm
(from time to time) that you are not using my art work-in
some very wrong way.
- If you want to publish my photos on paper, you
definitely must contact me for the high-resolution scan or
original. Basically, I give away all my photos.
- All texts should be treated in a similar way - you
can re-publish them on you web site with clear
identification of my authorship, but have to contact me
first for all other types of publication.
- Few multi-media on my web site is digitalized by me and
is the intellectual property of the authors. Most of the
texts are in Russian, so I do not see any problems here. If
you do not speak Russian, you do not want them. For the
materials from the former USSR,the copiright protection is
still rather unsetteled.
- This site includes a great deal of personal information
about Artyom Sokirko. Although the information presented is
based on real facts, the presentation itself may not be
accurate. Moreover, under some circumstances the information
given on the site can be downright wrong - either by mistake
or because I am deliberately hiding something. web
site should be considered more or less as an artistic
- Neither copy of the resume presented on this site
is accurate. Please contact me for an updated version of
the resume.
- The standard disclaimer applies.