Last modified
April 16, 2010

Warning: Undefined variable $slides in /var/www/html/scripts/h/ on line 196
Slide show for vakhutinsky - double click on image to startSlide show  
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Artyom Sokirko Artyom Sokirko Contact me!
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Welcome to Tyoma Sokirko's home page!

I am a computer guy, more or less from New York. I now live in Cologne and work for a German telecom company. My www, B2C experience and technical skills are extensive, current and come in package with 20 years over computer keyboard. I keep trying to find a "capitalist" company that would be willing to exploit my brain, but creativity and cold judgment seem to be unnecessary commodities for most executives.

I migrated to the business of "computer science specialist" from that of the "specialist in computer modeling science" in 1995. My scientific carrier started back in 1983 with the research in bioelectrochemistry - by the way, it is called "theoretical physics". The spectrum of my scientific interests was very broad - I have publications both in Genetics of Plants Journal and in American Journal of Physics with the remaining 33 papers in between. I got my PhD in 1990.

Between 1983 and 1987 I used to teach "very advanced math" in one of the Moscow elite high schools. One of the happiest moments in my life is the lecture for 15 year olds on Einstein's theory of relativity. Most of my former students are friends of mine and we all belong to "the Club" of Moscow Mathematical Schools Alumni. If you have never heard of one, you can get the idea from "The Glass Bead Game" by Herman Hesse.

One of my main hobbies is travelling. Between 1978 and 1992 it was mostly backpack expeditions into wilderness that resulted in extensive slide collection. After 1991 we have traveled together with my wife Asya and shot it on video. More about other hobbies and people around.

Reading all that causes a natural question who I am, after all. Here is the way I would put it. A US citizen of Russian extraction with Ukrainian last name and Armenian first name, semidetached from a Jewish family, working in Germany, who naturally falls into American entrepreneurial spirit, British engineering creativity and German romanticism, but can often be mistaken for a Scandinavian for being conspiquously tall and quiet, and who feels strange and ever growing affinity to the Japanese culture - or, well, forget it.